How unique in this life to find someone that we love enough to be able to hear them, see them, feel them even from a distance.
What a special love that must be.
To long for another so deeply, we feel
so desperate for them in so many ways.
That is you, that is where I am with you. I love you so desperately.  Words can't describe how I long to be near you, how I Want you, how I Need you.  There are no words for this feeling inside me.  
The only thing that even comes close is I love you, and that by far is nothing compared to the emotion in me for you.
I've told you so many times over the years I was forever yours.  I am and forever will be desperately, forever
yours in every way.

Life can be cruel on a heart, and even worse on a soul.  The heart can take
you to places that most only dream of. The soul can take you to places that
fairy tales are made of.  This heart and this soul have only gone where you are. I Never allowed them to go with any other, or to go this far.
Now I find myself in a place that is filled with lonliness, fear, tears, emptiness and feeling so desperate.
You left me alone with me, with my heart and my soul.  I don't know how to return from that yet.  I am trying.
I knew how to be in love with you, but I don't how to be in love with you when you've left me alone.
Sometimes the wind whips across my face, and its like taking a stake and driving it deep into my soul I hurt so much.  Sometimes the lonelines is so silent I can barely breathe.  The silence from the you that is no longer here with me, is the hardest part.
Desperately, I need the you that was once here, but that's not possible right now.  So for now, I will just say with all my heart, Desperately I will forever love you.
I try so hard to tell myself this is all a dream.  I will wake soon, and find that I don't feel this way.  I don't hurt this way. But as each morning comes, I am faced with the reality of it all.

You are real, you were real, this pain is real, and my soul is really, desperately, still in love with you, after all these years.