Life can change on a dime, it can change with every single breath we take. There are no promises in this life, no promises or guarantees that we will always be happy, or that we will find love.
If we are really lucky in this life, we will find that one person on earth that is our destiny, and the final search will end in the most perfectly "happily ever after", of true peace within our soul, with our destiny beside us as we walk on all the paths of life. |

Wherever I am in this life, you are there with me, every time I turn to look around, when I am lost, when I forget to breathe, you are there. Watching over me, protecting me in every way, you are there.
I can close my eyes and get so lost in the "you" that has been inside my soul for so long. I can still, after all this time, feel you, see you, smell the scent of you. It's as if you've never left my side, you're still here.
Then I realize it's me that is lost yet still here in some way. You're gone, so far away from me now, I'm not sure my soul can reach the distance to where you are any longer. |

We walk through this life always searching, and seemingly never finding what we so need in life. Let go of the hurt and the pain in your life, let go of the things that are gone, things we can no longer have. Maybe if we let go of all of this, then we will also be letting go of the pain, the hurt, and the hold another has on us.
The hold you have on me is so strong, I dream of that hold, I'm not sure how you got that hold on me, somedays I want to take that hold away but I don't know how, though I would never tell you any longer how much of a hold you still have on my soul. Maybe that's the part of me that is letting go, moving forward. |

I pray this is what is happening. I feel it, I can see into my heart that it's time to let go.
Please, sweet angel of mine, let me go, allow me to let you go. Allow this neverending flow of love from my soul into your life to release it's hold and bond on me.
This is my prayer. This is my life, and I want it back. This is my soul and my heart. They no longer are wanted by you. Please God, help me to regain what I have lost. |