Listen to the words in this song playing.
They truly speak how most of us feel
when we find that magical one we are
destined to spend enternity with, the
one that holds our very being in their

The kind of love that causes you to
tremble just by a touch.  A love that you
would go to the ends of life and beyond
if possible, just to keep and protect that
We had a love like this.  You were my
hero, my protector, my very soul
depended on you.  Just the thought of
you would cause my entire being to
shake, my head would spin, I became
so weak.

I was in love.  I am in love.  I will always
be in love with you in this way.
There is no moutain too high, no ocean
so deep that I wouldn't cross, just to be
with you.
Something happened, and you're not here any longer.  The pain can't be measured, for there is no limit to how deeply it hurts.

The times I long to feel your sweet lips on mine.  The times I ache so deeply,
just to feel your arms around me.  I felt as if I were a queen in this life with you.
"My Hero" That's you.....
Come back to me my love.  Let me make
you tremble.  Let me hold you in my
arms softly.  Let me love you as you
have loved me before life took you

Let me take your breath away.  Let me
show you the fire is still buring deeply
within my soul for you....

Let me be your hero.....